Enhance my TickTick productivity system
TickTick is a powerful todolist management cross-platform application. But in my options, it is quite overhelm with features and bloat. Let me guide you to simplify the application and get out most of the todolist and get your job done with less time.
Minimal Setup
Start with disable all features, my idea is to use this app as a todolist , these features will make me overhelm and not focus on the target ideas.
Then for the smartlist we will only keep Today
, Tomorrow
, Inbox
, Tags
, Trash
- Get the todo item
Imagine you get requirement to code a program to print out
Hello World
. You need to add into Inbox first. This Inbox section will be our dump box ideas.
By default, it will be in Today , we can edit its piority to be high . But the idea is to capture your idea or task ASAP. One task is capture need to fullfill these section
- title
- piority
For due date , it depends on if this is a task it should have due date but it just a idea, it might not needed.
Today section is only contains 6 tasks Your today section should have only 6 tasks as maximun. If it go out of the range, you will be overhelm.
Focus on your highest piority task Supporting this idea with urgent , if your boss have a time for it . It should be the most piority task.
By having a minimal setup and priciples to follow, your productivity will have you achive your goals and give you more time with our lover.